Domaine de Belle Mare

Les Vignes du Domaine de Belle Mare S.A.S.
CD 18 - Route des Salins - 34140 MEZE, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)4 67 43 17 68


The events of the Belle Mare Domain in 2024

Newsletter - june 2024

What is happening at Belle Mare estate ? 

The proximity to the sea and the Thau lake has both advantages and disadvantages

The proximity to the sea and the Thau lake has both advantages and disadvantages... It happens that the leaves of our vines are scorched by the sea salt that is carried in the air.

What is vine budburst ?

Budburst is a crucial moment in the life cycle of the vine and marks the beginning of its growth.

Our environmental commitment

The estate of Belle Mare is certified High Environmental Values (level 3).